5 links

Hello, Friday! We’ve been missing you since…well, last Friday. Here are 5 links we loved this week: 1. Here’s how you give your employees a fantastic Friday…(#5 may just win) 2. Back by popular demand! The new booth system that will simplify your next trade show experience 3. Looking to mix up your booth design? Consider […]

Learning through #Expochat

We recently participated in our first #Expochat, a conversation held on Twitter which anyone can join. But what is a tweet chat? A live Twitter event, usually moderated and focused around a general topic. To filter all the chatter on Twitter into a single conversation a hash tag is used and a set time is also established so […]

100 Great Business Questions from Inc. Magazine

In a recent Inc. Magazine article, a few business leaders shared some questions you should be asking if you want to improve your company. We found one in particular to be very thought-provoking, leaving us to wonder about our own responses. What would you write?